Our payment method options for line painting in Berrimah
At Top End Line Markers, we make it easy for you to pay your invoice.
We accept:
- Cash
- Cheque
- Credit card
- Direct bank transfer
If you’d like to discuss your invoice, or need to set up a payment plan, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We’re more than happy to work with you to create a manageable plan that suits your requirements.
Credit Card
When paying by credit card, please email your Mastercard or Visa card information to accounts@topendlinemarkers.com.au.
Please include:
- Name on the card
- Card number
- Expiry date
- CCV number
- Invoice number
Direct Bank Transfer
Direct bank transfer is a preferred payment method for our line marking services. Our account details are as follows:
Top End Line Markers Pty Ltd
NAB Darwin
BSB: 085 933
Account number: 868597921
Please use your invoice number as your ‘reference’ or ‘description’ when completing the bank transfer.
All remittances to be emailed to: accounts@topendlinemarkers.com.au.
Cheque payments can be delivered personally to our office at 16 Verrinder Road, Berrimah.
Or alternatively can be posted to:
Top End Line Markers Pty Ltd
PO Box 774
Palmerston NT
When posting please include the invoice number within the envelope.
All cash payments must be delivered personally to our office at 16 Verrinder Road, Berrimah. Our friendly staff will ask for the invoice number on arrival, so that we can file everything correctly.